By Stanley Meytin
Have you ever had a toy that meant everything to you? Maybe it was your Raggedy Ann doll who went everywhere with you, or your GI Joe who encouraged you to go on more adventures, or your first skateboard that launched a boarding hobby for life.
It’s that toy or moment that made an impact in your life… in your personal story.
For us, toy green soldiers are at the heart of our True Film story. I’m Stanley, the founder and CEO of True Film Production. I had the privilege of sharing my Tedx Talk in Boggy Creek about how my toy green soldiers—my childhood best friends—taught me to use his imagination, strategize an “attack” plan, and create a full-fledged story from start to finish. The skills I learned from receiving that single toy changed my passion, my future career, and my mission for True Film Production.
This Tedx talk was really exciting for me personally and for our entire team at True Film Production. I’ve wanted the opportunity to share my experience to get at the heart of our mission at True Film. But even more than that, I hope that my story can be an inspiration to other storytellers, creators, and dreamers out there. When you see my Tedx talk, I want you to see yourself in my story, in my drive, and in my passion.
In this talk, I work to draw in the audience and keep your attention by telling an age-old story, shared through my unique lens: I wanted an expensive gift, but I got a less expensive one. But it’s much more than that. I share the meaning behind the toy. I get you invested in the dream that stemmed from those little green soldiers.
Then I explain how receiving that gift was the moment mmy life launched down a new trajectory—and how those little green guys inspired me to become the storyteller I am today.
Throughout the Tedx Talk, I share stories about myself so you can get to know me. Telling you about my summer job gives you a sense of my work ethic. Quitting my job two weeks after my daughter was born to start a video production agency tells you about my adventure, passion, and commitment.
I tell you my story, so you can get to know me. By the end of the video, you should feel like a friend. You may even be inspired to pursue your own passion, or you might be excited to work with me and share your own story through video with True Film Production.
It’s the story that keeps you engaged, makes you interested, and encourages you to take action.
This Tedx talk is chock full of stories. From the primary through-line of the toy green soldiers to the individuals I meet throughout my experiences, to the little moments that inspire you to think of your own stories.
That’s because authentic stories build trust and foster connections. This kind of emotional response keeps you engaged throughout his talk, and even way after the talk is over. People are innately drawn to people. We all love a good story about a hero defying the odds or a princess taking control of her own destiny.
Stories are what unite us as one society, one world. Stories are inter-cultural and, in some cases, even inter-dimensional. A story about a young man in a low-income village in rural Africa who is in love with a girl out of his league is just as relatable to us if we’ve ever felt rejection. Someone in the futuristic 3000s who’s dealing with a tragedy pulls on our own heartstrings because we too have felt our own tragedies. Any story has the power to move—to hit home with the audience.
As I say in the Tedx talk, “inspiration is all around us.” Everyone has a story, and everyone’s story is relatable to an audience. It’s simply about extracting that story, sharing it in a creative way, and making that story come to life. That’s our job at True Film Production.
Storytellers set the vision for their generation. That’s why i started this company “in the storytelling business.” I’ve always been passionate about stories, and I knew that video was the perfect way to creatively and visually share stories—both for fun and for marketing.
Stories are powerful. So what if we tapped into that power?
Customers connect to stories. If they are inspired by what you have to say, they won’t just buy your products—they’ll become your hardcore brand ambassadors. They’ll share your stories on social media. They’ll connect with you. They’ll tell everyone about your brand, and they’ll become an integral part of your community.
We can never say it enough:
Authentic stories are the best asset your company can invest in.
Stories build relationships between company and customer. In my talk, I share the statistic that 95% of all purchase decisions happen unconsciously; it comes from a connection that we feel to people and stories about the brand, much more so than the product itself.
When a customer buys from you, they’re choosing to enter into a relationship with your business. Before they do, they want to know who they’re getting involved with. So if you want customers to buy from you, you need to humanize your brand. You want to make your story authentic, vulnerable, and real—and that’s where the true connection happens.
Everyone has a moment (or many) of inspiration that sparks your pathway. Maybe you were enthralled with Buzz Lightyear as a child, so you decided to go into the astronomy field. Or one day, you saw a woman at a grocery store who couldn’t afford her cart, so later in life you decided to make your mission to feed families. Or maybe you saw a video about surfers, and you decided to move to the beach.
And every business has a story too. Maybe you started your soda company because the best day of your childhood was when you had a local soda at a county fair. Or you decided to launch your animal shelter because your family used to foster animals.
Every story has a start. When you’re looking to create a mission or story for your marketing campaign, you want to try to get at the heart of what this story is—by unlocking where it began.
That’s the purpose of this Tedx Talk. The talk is captivating because it uses my stories to get you to discover the stories that matter to you. When I talk about the gift I always wanted for my 8th birthday, it gets you thinking about that “special gift” you wanted on your birthday too. When I tells you about Blake’s passion, it makes you dream about your own passion too.
So what IS your story? What kinds of stories will inspire your employees, your customers, and your community?
I couldn’t have done this Tedx Talk two years ago. I’m passionate about storytelling, but it took me a while to gather the courage to share my own story. But I decided to push myself, because I see the success our clients have when they share stories and step outside that box.
Don’t let fear hold you back from sharing your story… from making those connections… and from inspiring your community and customers.
Reach out to True Film Production to start sharing your story. It’s our job to help you find and bring your story to life—and connect with your audience and customers. Let us be your visual storytellers.
What did you think of my Tedx Talk? Did my story make you connect with me more? Leave a comment with your thoughts!
By Stanley Meytin
Have you ever had a toy that meant everything to you? Maybe it was your Raggedy Ann doll who went everywhere with you, or your GI Joe who encouraged you to go on more adventures, or your first skateboard that launched a boarding hobby for life.
It’s that toy or moment that made an impact in your life… in your personal story.
For us, toy green soldiers are at the heart of our True Film story. I’m Stanley, the founder and CEO of True Film Production. I had the privilege of sharing my Tedx Talk in Boggy Creek about how my toy green soldiers—my childhood best friends—taught me to use his imagination, strategize an “attack” plan, and create a full-fledged story from start to finish. The skills I learned from receiving that single toy changed my passion, my future career, and my mission for True Film Production.
This Tedx talk was really exciting for me personally and for our entire team at True Film Production. I’ve wanted the opportunity to share my experience to get at the heart of our mission at True Film. But even more than that, I hope that my story can be an inspiration to other storytellers, creators, and dreamers out there. When you see my Tedx talk, I want you to see yourself in my story, in my drive, and in my passion.
In this talk, I work to draw in the audience and keep your attention by telling an age-old story, shared through my unique lens: I wanted an expensive gift, but I got a less expensive one. But it’s much more than that. I share the meaning behind the toy. I get you invested in the dream that stemmed from those little green soldiers.
Then I explain how receiving that gift was the moment mmy life launched down a new trajectory—and how those little green guys inspired me to become the storyteller I am today.
Throughout the Tedx Talk, I share stories about myself so you can get to know me. Telling you about my summer job gives you a sense of my work ethic. Quitting my job two weeks after my daughter was born to start a video production agency tells you about my adventure, passion, and commitment.
I tell you my story, so you can get to know me. By the end of the video, you should feel like a friend. You may even be inspired to pursue your own passion, or you might be excited to work with me and share your own story through video with True Film Production.
It’s the story that keeps you engaged, makes you interested, and encourages you to take action.
This Tedx talk is chock full of stories. From the primary through-line of the toy green soldiers to the individuals I meet throughout my experiences, to the little moments that inspire you to think of your own stories.
That’s because authentic stories build trust and foster connections. This kind of emotional response keeps you engaged throughout his talk, and even way after the talk is over. People are innately drawn to people. We all love a good story about a hero defying the odds or a princess taking control of her own destiny.
Stories are what unite us as one society, one world. Stories are inter-cultural and, in some cases, even inter-dimensional. A story about a young man in a low-income village in rural Africa who is in love with a girl out of his league is just as relatable to us if we’ve ever felt rejection. Someone in the futuristic 3000s who’s dealing with a tragedy pulls on our own heartstrings because we too have felt our own tragedies. Any story has the power to move—to hit home with the audience.
As I say in the Tedx talk, “inspiration is all around us.” Everyone has a story, and everyone’s story is relatable to an audience. It’s simply about extracting that story, sharing it in a creative way, and making that story come to life. That’s our job at True Film Production.
Storytellers set the vision for their generation. That’s why i started this company “in the storytelling business.” I’ve always been passionate about stories, and I knew that video was the perfect way to creatively and visually share stories—both for fun and for marketing.
Stories are powerful. So what if we tapped into that power?
Customers connect to stories. If they are inspired by what you have to say, they won’t just buy your products—they’ll become your hardcore brand ambassadors. They’ll share your stories on social media. They’ll connect with you. They’ll tell everyone about your brand, and they’ll become an integral part of your community.
We can never say it enough:
Authentic stories are the best asset your company can invest in.
Stories build relationships between company and customer. In my talk, I share the statistic that 95% of all purchase decisions happen unconsciously; it comes from a connection that we feel to people and stories about the brand, much more so than the product itself.
When a customer buys from you, they’re choosing to enter into a relationship with your business. Before they do, they want to know who they’re getting involved with. So if you want customers to buy from you, you need to humanize your brand. You want to make your story authentic, vulnerable, and real—and that’s where the true connection happens.
Everyone has a moment (or many) of inspiration that sparks your pathway. Maybe you were enthralled with Buzz Lightyear as a child, so you decided to go into the astronomy field. Or one day, you saw a woman at a grocery store who couldn’t afford her cart, so later in life you decided to make your mission to feed families. Or maybe you saw a video about surfers, and you decided to move to the beach.
And every business has a story too. Maybe you started your soda company because the best day of your childhood was when you had a local soda at a county fair. Or you decided to launch your animal shelter because your family used to foster animals.
Every story has a start. When you’re looking to create a mission or story for your marketing campaign, you want to try to get at the heart of what this story is—by unlocking where it began.
That’s the purpose of this Tedx Talk. The talk is captivating because it uses my stories to get you to discover the stories that matter to you. When I talk about the gift I always wanted for my 8th birthday, it gets you thinking about that “special gift” you wanted on your birthday too. When I tells you about Blake’s passion, it makes you dream about your own passion too.
So what IS your story? What kinds of stories will inspire your employees, your customers, and your community?
I couldn’t have done this Tedx Talk two years ago. I’m passionate about storytelling, but it took me a while to gather the courage to share my own story. But I decided to push myself, because I see the success our clients have when they share stories and step outside that box.
Don’t let fear hold you back from sharing your story… from making those connections… and from inspiring your community and customers.
Reach out to True Film Production to start sharing your story. It’s our job to help you find and bring your story to life—and connect with your audience and customers. Let us be your visual storytellers.
What did you think of my Tedx Talk? Did my story make you connect with me more? Leave a comment with your thoughts!
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